Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Not much time....

Right, son very ill, hours and hours in hospital, trying to give drum lessons and play gigs, and find time for the rest of the family = tiring!
No time to do much of anything really, but on a course related subject, what is the benefit of this http://www.mtv.co.uk/events/ema/playlist/mtv-ema-winners-video-2012 - even i have heard of most of these artists but fucking hell its awful. Good pop music has always given a snapshot of society, so does this mean that pop music is getting worse and not fulfilling what i believe it has done previously or is it that society is getting worse.
Personally i feel that the split between integrity in a creative musical vision and the chance to make money has widened. So basically people are more willing to do as they are told to make money rather not. There are exceptions to this, but very few.

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